Make a Gift in your Will

Leaving a bequest to New Zealand Riding for the Disabled is a wonderful way to help ensure that these vital services to the community can continue in future years.

We need your support to help over 3,000 disabled riders from all walks of life each year. Our riding programmes help improve their quality of life and provide them with the therapy, skills and freedom that they deserve.

The biggest gift of your life could be to simply include NZRDA in your will. Thank you for considering us.

Here is a list of key information for you:

  • Choosing your bequest
  • The proper wording to use in your will
  • Wherever the need is greatest
  • Our Charity Number
  • Bequest Brochure (PDF)

What kind of cause do you want to support?

Do you want to choose a charity who supports children and adults? A charity who works with disabled people? A charity who helps with health? A charity that helps with education? An animal charity? A charity who has many volunteers?

New Zealand Riding for the Disabled can help you to achieve all of the above.

By choosing to leave a gift in your will for New Zealand Riding for the Disabled, you will be making an impact into the future.

What is a good charity to make a bequest to? Only you can decide, but if you want to help riders get great, positive outcomes you can do this by leaving a gift in your will.

Making a Will

Every adult should have a valid and current will. Many New Zealand adults either do not have a will, or their will may be out of date. If you die without a valid will, legislation decides how your estate is to be distributed.

A will shows that you care about those you love. Making a will can give you peace of mind, knowing that your wishes for family, friends and community organisations important to you, have been identified and addressed.

You may choose to leave specific items to particular beneficiaries, or you may choose to share your entire estate on a percentage basis. You may choose New Zealand Riding for the Disabled as a beneficiary in your will.

Your will is a legal document, and it is best that you have it prepared by a lawyer so that it is worded and signed correctly. This ensures your estate will be able to be distributed in accordance with your wishes.

But if you want, you can write your will yourself by writing down your wishes.

You can also make a will online for a small fee – for example with the Public Trust.

For more information on why you should make a will, see the Sorted website.

Bequests and Your Interests

Many people like to leave a gift to charity, and New Zealand Riding for the Disabled is a wonderful charity to give a bequest to because we are a charity who helps so many children and adults.

Whether you want to leave a bequest for children, a bequest for disabled people, a bequest for health, a bequest for education, or a bequest for sport and recreation, you will know that New Zealand Riding for the Disabled helps in all of these areas.

Leaving a Bequest

Bequest giving is a simple and effective way of continuing your support for your favourite charity or if you want to make a real investment in the charity’s vital services into the future.

Choosing your Bequest

The choices for your bequest can be any of the following.

  • A dollar value
  • A percentage of your estate
  • A residual gift, meaning you can leave the balance of your estate. This is the option that we prefer.

The proper wording to use

The proper wording to use for a gift in your will is set out below.

I give to the New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated

the sum of $xx OR xx percentage of my estate OR the residue of my estate OR description of property or assets

for its general purposes OR for the specific purpose of [insert here].

And I declare that a receipt appearing to be given by the Chief Executive Officer or an authorised officer of New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my trustees.

Wherever the need is greatest

If you are happy that your gift is used wherever the need is greatest, this will be the most use to us. You can achieve this by choosing “for its general purposes“.

Charity Number

The Charity Number for New Zealand Riding for the Disabled is CC38921.

The Charity Number for New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Perpetual Members Trust is CC36208.

The impact of your bequest

A bequest is a wonderful way to support NZRDA beyond your lifetime. A bequest has no effect on your financial situation now, and will mean so much to the people we care for.

Talking to us

If you are considering making a bequest or would like to talk about what is involved and how this can help the work of NZRDA, then please contact us on 0800 4NZRDA (0800 469 732) or send an email to .

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