Reach more riders, change more  Lives! Check out our volunteer and donation options.

Who We Are

NZRDA is a member association made up of over 40 local RDA groups who are in local communities throughout New Zealand.

The core purpose of NZRDA is to provide interaction with horses to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for people experiencing disability, or who have specific challenges or needs.

We aim to enable and support disabled people to achieve good lives including meaningful participation in, and contribution to, important life activities and roles in their community.

20 Motueka 3300

What's Happening

Qualified Coaches ensure we reach more Riders!

You can raise funds for scholarships so that there are more qualified Coaches supporting our riders. Each and every Coach can...

Buy a Kiwi sports Crossword Book!

Kiwi Sportsword is a collection of New Zealand sports-themed crosswords compiled by former sports journalist Peter Thomson and endorsed by...

Latest News

Petstock Christmas Campaign 2024

We are so grateful to PetStock for their Christmas Campaign in 2024. The funds raised will be going to groups...

“It’s been, and still is, an amazing journey with RDA”

RDA Rider Hyrum has written us a letter about how he has found therapeutic horse riding! He talks about what...

Horse welfare and training is front and centre at RDA!

It’s important that RDA horses are well trained and looked after. We all know that it is important to ensure...

Our Coaches always want to keep learning!

Learning keeps our Coaches up to date and relevant. They need to be up to date to ensure the best...

Stew inspires people to “Get out and give it a go”

On 16 March 2024, Wellington man Stew Sexton “ran” 100km around his Eastbourne neighbourhood to raise funds for New Zealand...

Land Rover Horse of the Year 2024

New Zealand Riding for the Disabled (NZRDA) was chosen as Charity of Choice for Land Rover Horse of the Year...

Jane shares her story

Jane tells us how riding therapy has been helpful since her injury.

Cohan is living his best life!

Everyone says that Cohan has achieved so much since he began riding. Cohan is an adult rider in his thirties. He...

Farmlands Sponsorship

We are pleased to continue with Farmlands Co-operative as our sponsor. Farmlands representatives said, “From the beginning, our DNA has...

Addy gets used to change!

Addy started with RDA when she was four years old and came every second Saturday. As with many of the...

Make A Donation

We rely greatly on the generosity of people like you. Your donation helps us to provide safe and effective goal-based riding activities for children and adults with a disability.

NZRDA Groups

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