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Learning Opportunities

We provide a wide range of learning opportunities, both in groups and through New Zealand Riding for the Disabled.

These include:

  • Online Induction Modules
  • In group training opportunities 
  • Webinars on specific topics
  • Online forums for specific roles in groups
  • Regional Training Days
  • Workshops for Coaches
  • NZRDA Conference

Learning Pathway

We see learning throughout your time at RDA as a pathway, with ongoing opportunities to develop your skills.

Volunteer Induction Training

Once you have signed up to become a volunteer, you can start your learning journey with NZRDA. This includes being able to complete Online Induction Modules prior to starting volunteering. Once your safety checking is complete you can participate in your own group’s in house training and access wider NZRDA learning opportunities.

Roles at RDA


A volunteer role at RDA can include a range of jobs and activities, depending on your skills, interests and abilities. These could include leading, sidewalking, supporting riders off the horse, horse care, or even helping with morning tea!


You might be interested in becoming a Coach. You can gain qualifications as an Assistant RDA Coach or an RDA Coach.

Committee and other roles

There may be an opportunity to serve on the committee, carry out maintenance, help with fundraising, or assist with horse care. The tasks required to run a group are varied and ongoing.

SCL Team – Standards, Certification and Learning Team

The NZRDA National Office provides training and support for our network of RDA Groups.  The Manager – Programmes and the SCL Team oversee all training.  We offer a comprehensive programme of standards, learning, certification and support to ensure a consistent level of service is provided along with the highest level of health and safety.

The team compromises both paid staff and volunteers reporting to the Chief Executive and Manager – Programmes jointly. Their responsibilities include:

  • Operational Certificate Reviews
  • Coach training
  • Therapy support
  • Volunteer training
  • Governance and general training and support

To find out more about the training we offer, check out the qualifications page or email