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Choose A Regular GIft

You can change lives by choosing to give a regular gift.

With Regular Giving to NZRDA as a member of the Pegasus Programme, you can ensure that Riding for the Disabled continues to provide a high level of therapeutic riding services to over 3,000 disabled children and adults each year.

Ready to choose a regular gift? Follow these simple steps!

You can set up an automatic payment in your internet banking, or download a form by clicking either of the links below:

You can make a regular gift and make a difference all year long!

Your ongoing support allows us to provide training for volunteers and coaches at your local RDA Group.

This ensures that they can continue to change lives for the better in your community.

Joining is easy and quick

Joining the Pegasus Programme as a Regular Giver is easy and quick. Each week, month or quarter, a regular amount is automatically deducted from your credit card or bank account.

You choose how much to give, and you can increase or decrease the amount, or even cancel the amount at any time.

Throughout the year we will keep you up to date with the work of the RDA in New Zealand, and at the end of the financial year you will receive a statement detailing your payments, which you can use to complete your tax return.

Credit Card

If you prefer to set up your regular gift by credit card, please complete this 22Mar Regular Gift Form Credit Card and send it to or PO Box 58110, Whitby, Porirua 5245.

Of if you would like to set up your regular gift by credit card yourself, then please go to our online donation form at and choose the frequency (for example, monthly) and the amount you wish to donate.

Automatic Payment

You can set up your automatic payment right now from your online banking.

You can download our 22Mar Regular Gift Form Automatic Payment to see our bank account number.

Please let us know by sending an email to so we can thank you for your kind gift.

Find out more

If you would like to chat to us about giving a regular gift, or to find out more, please feel free to contact us on 0800 4NZRDA (0800 469 732) send an email to

Thank you

Thank you for making a regular gift – you will be making a difference for children and adults who face many challenges.