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Equine Courses & Qualifications

New Zealand Riding for the Disabled provides opportunities to undertake NZQA qualifications at Levels 2, 3 and 4. These are for those who are wanting to improve their equine skills or to take on the role of Coach.

If you are interested in enrolling in one of our qualifications, contact us.

New Zealand Certificate in Equine Skills (Level 2)

This qualification focuses on entry level equine skills for volunteers and those wanting to work along the coaching pathway.

Completion of this certifies a person’s competency to work with horses safely and effectively.

  • Comprises of 6 unit standards, which can be completed as part of on the job training.
  • This can be completed in 9 months or less

For more information, visit the NZQA website.

New Zealand Certificate in Equine (Therapeutic Riding – Assistant Coach) (Level 3)

This qualification focuses on the skills needed for those who are in an Assistant Coach role at RDA groups.

It teaches the specific skills required to ensure safe and effective RDA programmes in an RDA setting including: understanding riders who come to RDA, adapting programmes, providing a safe environment for this, and supporting leaders and sidewalkers.

  • Comprises of 10 unit standards, which are completed as part of the coaching role at RDA.
  • This can be completed in 16 months or less

For more information, visit the NZQA website.

New Zealand Certificate in Equine (Therapeutic Riding – Coach) (Level 4)

This qualification focuses on the skills needed for those who are in a Coach’s role at RDA groups and wish to further develop their RDA learning.

It covers more specialised and the next level of skills needed for developing RDA programmes and working as part of a wider RDA team.

  • Comprises of 10 unit standards, which are completed as part of the Coaching role at RDA.
  • This can be completed in 24 months or less

For more information, visit the NZQA website.

Equine Qualifications that Benefit Riders

Having RDA Coaches completing a recognised NZQA qualification, means they have the skills and confidence to provide high quality programmes to our RDA Riders.

Qualifications are structured to provide specific on the job learning incorporating coaching skills, understanding our Riders, horse care and training and professionalism in the Coaching role. They are RDA specific, meaning the learning our Coaches receive is easily translated to their work on the ground with Riders and Volunteers.

This certification has provided me with the skills, knowledge and confidence to create diverse learning opportunities to empower my riders to reach their full potential.

Coach - Dunedin RDA

The syllabus is robust, and ensures that clients, horses, volunteers and other staff and colleagues are cared for with dignity, safety, knowledge and well-reasoned/researched practices.

Coach - Hastings RDA

Ready to make a meaningful impact?

Elevate your skills and enrich lives through our NZQA-accredited equine courses.