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More Independence? Yes please!

More Independence? Yes please!

From not being able to sit up – to riding a trike!

Learning to ride a horse has enabled Hunter to join in on family walks, because riding has strengthened his muscles enough for him to be able to push the pedals on a trike.

Hunter is eight years old and now look at him!

Hunter began riding with Riding for the Disabled (RDA) at the age of 2 years and 9 months, with a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy. He was still crawling, dragging his legs behind him and could not sit up on the floor, or on a chair.

Attending Riding for the Disabled and starting at such a young age has been very beneficial. The horse’s movement has resulted in a major improvement in Hunter’s balance, core strength, hand/eye co-ordination, concentration, and confidence in his own abilities to learn new skills. Your kind gift can help more riders to become independent like Hunter.

Recently, Hunter started riding a three wheel trike. Having the strength in his legs and the ability to push the pedals independently, gives him freedom to play. Look at what he can do now! Holding reins, turning, sitting tall, holding central balance, and standing in stirrups while the pony is walking and trotting.

Your kind gift can enable other kids like Hunter to become more independent and more confident. The skills he has learned on his pony have enabled him to ride a trike. So horse riding has resulted in Hunter having more independence. He can ride his trike on walking outings with his family, instead of being in his wheelchair.

Your kind gift will mean that kids with disabilities have an opportunity to experience a better quality of life. It has been a long, slow journey for Hunter, but hard work has helped him to become stronger. He can only go forward from here. You can help more riders like Hunter to become more independent.

Yes please, I would like to make a donation to help riders like Hunter.

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