How coaches help riders

How coaches help riders

June 9, 2020

The value of a coach is enduring. The benefit continues for years into the future.

Our coaches and volunteers who support our riders are amazing!

We need more qualified coaches at all our local RDA groups, so more of our Riders can benefit from RDA.

Put simply, the coach is essential to ensuring that our programmes are safe and effective.

Some of our Volunteers aspire to become coaches. We know we are lucky to have people willing to qualify as coaches. New Zealand Riding for the Disabled wants to be able to train more Coaches to work in our local RDA Groups.

To train a coach to the level where they have finished all of the requirements for an NZQA qualification is expensive. But it’s so worthwhile as each coach is able to support many riders over many years.

By helping them to access the right training, our qualified coaches can plan ahead and concentrate on our riders and achieving positive outcomes for them.

So let’s celebrate our coaches and all our volunteers and say thank you for their efforts.

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